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Quantum Physics III (Spring 2018, MIT OCW). Instructor: Prof. Barton Zwiebach.
English [CC]
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This course is a continuation of 8.05 Quantum Physics II. It introduces some of the important model systems studied in contemporary physics, including two-dimensional electron systems, the fine structure of hydrogen, lasers, and particle scattering.
Part 1. Time Independent Perturbation Theory and WKB Approximation
In this section, we discuss in detail non-degenerate and degenerate time-independent perturbation theory. As an application and illustration of the methods, we study the fine structure of the hydrogen atom as well as the Zeeman effect, both in its weak and strong forms. We develop the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) approximation, useful for time-independent problems that involve potentials with slow-varying spatial dependence.
Part 2. Time Dependent Perturbation Theory and Adiabatic Approximation
In this section, we begin by developing perturbation theory for time-dependent Hamiltonians. We then turn to Fermi's Golden Rule, and then to the interaction of light with atoms, focusing on the processes of absorption, stimulated emission, and spontaneous emission. We discuss charged particles in electromagnetic fields and derive the Landau levels of a particle in a uniform magnetic field. We study in detail the Adiabatic approximation, discussing Landau-Zener transitions, Berry's phase, and the Born-Oppenheimer approximation for molecules.
Part 3. Scattering and Identical Particles
The final part of the course begins with a study of scattering. We discuss cross sections and develop the theory of partial waves and phase shifts. An integral reformulation of the scattering problem leads to the Born approximation. We then turn to the subject of identical particles. We explain the exchange degeneracy problem and develop the machinery of permutation operators, symmetrizers and anti-symmetrizers. We discuss the symmetrization postulate and discuss the construction and properties of multi particle bosonic and fermionic states. (from ocw.mit.edu)
Course content
- Lecture 01 – Time Independent Perturbation Theory Unlimited
- Lecture 02.1 – Remarks and Validity of the Perturbation Series Unlimited
- Lecture 03.1 – Remarks on a Good Basis Unlimited
- Lecture 04.1 – Scales and Zeroth-order Spectrum Unlimited
- Lecture 05.1 – Evaluating the Darwin Correction Unlimited
- Lecture 06.1 – Zeeman Effect and Fine Structure Unlimited
- Lecture 07.1 – The WKB Approximation Scheme Unlimited
- Lecture 08.1 – Airy Functions as Integrals in the Complex Plane Unlimited
- Lecture 09.1 – The Interaction Picture and Time Evolution Unlimited
- Lecture 10.1 – Box Regularization: Density of States for the Continuum Unlimited
- Lecture 11.1 – Harmonic Transitions between Discrete States Unlimited
- Lecture 12.1 – Ionization Rate for Hydrogen: Final Result Unlimited
- Lecture 13.1 – Transition Rates Induced by Thermal Radiation Unlimited
- Lecture 14.1 – Gauge Invariance of the Schrodinger Equation Unlimited
- Lecture 15.1 – Classical Analog: Oscillator with Slowly Varying Frequency Unlimited
- Lecture 16.1 – Quantum Adiabatic Theorem Stated Unlimited
- Lecture 17.1 – Configuration Space for Hamiltonians Unlimited
- Lecture 18.1 – Born-Oppenheimer Approximation: Hamiltonian and Electronic States Unlimited
- Lecture 19.1 – Elastic Scattering Defined and Assumptions Unlimited
- Lecture 20.1 – Review of Scattering Concepts Developed So Far Unlimited
- Lecture 21.1 – General Computation of Phase Shifts Unlimited
- Lecture 22.1 – Setting Up the Born Series Unlimited
- Lecture 23.1 – Permutation Operators and Projectors for Two Particles Unlimited
- Lecture 24.1 – Symmetrizer and Antisymmetrizer for N Particles Unlimited
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