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Law 270.7: Renewable Energy and Alternative Fuels (Fall 2008, UC Berkeley). Instructor: Professor Steve Weissman.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
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This course introduces students to the legal, economic, and structural issues that both shape our energy practices and provide opportunities to overcome these critical problems. The course focuses primarily on the regulation and design of electricity systems and markets, since so many energy choices - the use of oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear, the green alternatives such as solar, wind, and energy conservation or demand side management - relate to the way we generate or deliver electricity, or avoid the need to do so.
Course content
- Lecture 01 – Introduction to Renewable Energy Options Unlimited
- Lecture 02 – Federal Renewable Energy Programs Unlimited
- Lecture 03 – State Programs and Regional Unlimited
- Lecture 04 – State Programs & an Introduction to Local Government Programs Unlimited
- Lecture 05 – Distributed Generation Unlimited
- Lecture 07 – Technology-Specific Issues and Opportunities: Wind Unlimited
- Lecture 08 – Technology-Specific Issues and Opportunities: Geothermal Unlimited
- Lecture 09 – Technology-Specific Issues and Opportunities: Distributed Solar Unlimited
- Lecture 10 – Technology-Specific Issues and Opportunities Unlimited
- Lecture 11 – Biomass & Biofuels, and Landfill Gas Unlimited
- Lecture 12 – Waves, Tides, & Ocean Thermal Unlimited
- Lecture 13 – Small Hydro, Alternative Fossil Fuels, and Hydrogen Unlimited
- Lecture 14 – Greenhouse Gases and Wrap-up Unlimited
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