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This class focuses on chemical rocket propulsion systems for launch, orbital, and interplanetary flight.
English [CC]
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It studies the modeling of solid, liquid-bipropellant, and hybrid rocket engines. Thermochemistry, prediction of specific impulse, and nozzle flows including real gas and kinetic effects will also be covered. Other topics to be covered include structural constraints, propellant feed systems, turbopumps, and combustion processes in solid, liquid, and hybrid rockets.
Course content
- Introduction Unlimited
- Rocket Nozzles and Thrust Unlimited
- Ideal Nozzle Fluid Mechanics Unlimited
- Nozzle Design: Method of Characteristics Unlimited
- Effects of Particles in Nozzle Flow Unlimited
- Convective Heat Transfer: Reynolds Analogy Unlimited
- Convective Heat Transfer: Other Effects Unlimited
- Liquid Cooling Unlimited
- Ablative Cooling, Film Cooling Unlimited
- Radiation Heat Transfer and Cooling Unlimited
- Review of Equilibrium Thermochemistry Unlimited
- Examples of Chemical Equilibrium Unlimited
- Non-Equilibrium Flows Unlimited
- Selection of Propellant Mixtures Unlimited
- Solid Propellants: Design Goals and Constraints Unlimited
- Solid Propellants: Other Topics Unlimited
- Liquid Propellants Unlimited
- Combustion of Liquid Propellants Unlimited
- Liquid Motors: Injection and Mixing Unlimited
- Liquid Motors: Stability (Low Frequency) Unlimited
- Liquid Motors: Stability (High Frequency); Acoustics Unlimited
- Pressurization and Pump Cycles Unlimited
- Basic Turbomachine Performance Unlimited
- Turbopumps Unlimited
- Turbines Unlimited
- Mechanical Design of Turbomachinery Unlimited
- Rotordynamics Problems Unlimited
- Dynamics of Turbopump Systems: The Shuttle Engine Unlimited
- Orbital Mechanics: Review, Staging Unlimited
- Performance to LEO Unlimited
- Performance to GEO Unlimited
- Impulsive and Low-Thrust Maneuvers in Space Unlimited
- Future Developments Unlimited
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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