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Summer severe (convective) weather presents many challenges to the forecaster. This self-paced, distance learning course addresses the scientific aspects of a few of those challenges: buoyancy, shear, and their interaction to create various types of summer severe weather phenomena (squall lines, bow echoes, supercells, etc).
English [CC]
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Summer severe weather is a complex interaction of synoptic and mesoscale forcing. As both mesoscale observations and model resolution improve, the forecaster needs a thorough understanding of this type of high impact weather phenomena in order to react properly during these rapidly evolving situations. These self-paced modules discuss the basic principles of summer severe (convective) weather with the aim of improving the prediction of significant and severe convection.
Course Content
- Severe Summer Weather
- Basics Tornadoes
- Basics Lightning
- First Aid
- Basics Hail
- Basics Flooding
- Safety Tips
- What to do Before Severe Weather Strikes
- Disaster Supply Kit
- Evacuation Do’s & Don’ts
- What to do After Severe Weather Strikes
- Conclusion
Course content
- Severe Summer Weather 00:40:00
- Basics Tornadoes 00:30:00
- Basics Lightning 01:10:00
- First Aid 00:20:00
- Basics Hail 00:10:00
- Basics Flooding 00:30:00
- Safety Tips 00:20:00
- What to do Before Severe Weather Strikes 00:30:00
- Disaster Supply Kit 00:20:00
- Severe Summer Weather Training Test 00:45:00
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