Sicily Unpacked is a three-part BBC documentary series hosted by Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli, taking us on a journey around Sicily.


September 26, 2023


English [CC]


In the first part of the series, Andrew Graham-Dixon and Giorgio Locatelli take us on a journey into the heart of Sicily and introduce one another to the things they love about the island. Then exploring the island through each other's eyes and hearts, they uncover the legacy of Spain's 500-year occupation of the island and the influence this has had on art and culture. Finally, Andrew and Giorgio take the pulse of contemporary Sicily, experience the change that is sweeping through the island, and find out how the future of it is linked to its ancient past.

Course Curriculum

  • Sicily Unpacked, Episode 1 Unlimited
  • Sicily Unpacked, Episode 2 Unlimited
  • Sicily Unpacked, Episode 3 Unlimited

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