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The goal of this course is to illustrate the spectroscopy of small molecules in the gas phase
English [CC]
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quantum mechanical effective Hamiltonian models for rotational, vibrational, and electronic structure; transition selection rules and relative intensities; diagnostic patterns and experimental methods for the assignment of non-textbook spectra; breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (spectroscopic perturbations); the stationary phase approximation; nondegenerate and quasidegenerate perturbation theory (van Vleck transformation); qualitative molecular orbital theory (Walsh diagrams); the notation of atomic and molecular spectroscopy.
Course content
- General information Unlimited
- Matrices are useful in spectroscopic theory Unlimited
- Spectroscopic notation Unlimited
- Coupled harmonic oscillators: truncation of an infinite matrix Unlimited
- Matrix solution of harmonic Unlimited
- Building an effective hamiltonian Unlimited
- Anharmonic oscillator, Unlimited
- Atoms: 1e- and alkali Unlimited
- Alkali and many e- atomic spectra Unlimited
- Many e- atoms Unlimited
- How to assign an atomic spectrum Unlimited
- The Born-Oppenheimer approximation Unlimited
- Excerpts from the spectra and dynamics of diatomic molecules Unlimited
- The Born-Oppenheimer approach to transitions Unlimited
- The Born-Oppenheimer approach to transitions II Unlimited
- Pictures of spectra and notation Unlimited
- Rotational assignment of diatomic electronic spectra I Unlimited
- Laser schemes for rotational assignment first lines for Ω’, Ω” assignments Unlimited
- Definition of angular momenta Unlimited
- Rotation and angular momenta Unlimited
- 2∏ and 2∑ matrices Unlimited
- Parity and e/f basis for 2∏, 2∑± Unlimited
- Hund’s cases: 2∏, 2∑± examples Unlimited
- Energy level structure of 2∏ and 2∑ states Unlimited
- Perturbations Unlimited
- A model for the perturbations Unlimited
- Second-order effects Unlimited
- Second-order effects: centrifugal distortion and Λ-doubling Unlimited
- Transformations between basis sets: 3-j, 6-j, and Wigner-Eckart theorem Unlimited
- Construction of potential curves by the Rydberg-Klein-Rees method (RKR) Unlimited
- Rotation of polyatomic molecules I Unlimited
- Energy levels of a rigid rotor, energy levels of an asymmetric rotor Unlimited
- Asymmetric top Unlimited
- Energy levels of a rigid rotor, energy levels of an asymmetric rotor Unlimited
- Pure rotation spectra of polyatomic molecules Unlimited
- Energy levels of a rigid rotor Unlimited
- Polyatomic vibrations: normal mode calculations Unlimited
- Polyatomic vibrations II: s-vectors, G-matrix, and Eckart condition Unlimited
- Polyatomic vibrations III: s-vectors and H2O Unlimited
- Polyatomic vibrations IV: symmetry Unlimited
- A sprint through group theory Unlimited
- What is in a character table and how do we use it? Unlimited
- Electronic spectra of polyatomic molecules Unlimited
- transition Unlimited
- Vibronic coupling Unlimited
- Time-independent Schrodinger equation for a molecular system Unlimited
- Wavepacket dynamics Unlimited
- Wavepacket dynamics III Unlimited
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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