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What does it take to become a resilient practitioner in social work?
English [CC]
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This course, Supporting and developing resilience in social work, will guide you through some important concepts. An understanding of ‘emotional resilience’ and ‘professional leadership’ will help to guide you through taking a positive approach to problems that arise in social work practice. You will also be introduced to some ideas about leadership in social work practice.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Discuss why emotional resilience is important in social work practice and what skills and strategies are involved
- Explore the support that social workers can expect from their managers, and how to get the best out of supervision
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the skills and qualities involved in social work professional leadership
- Understand the benefits of criticality, reflection and analysis to social work practice and continuing professional development.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- What is emotional resilience? 00:15:00
- Social worker resilience 00:20:00
- Coping with feelings of distress 00:10:00
- Emotional labour 00:10:00
- Organisational and socio-political factors 00:15:00
- Enhancing resilience 00:10:00
- Creating your emotional resilience toolkit 00:25:00
- Skills and techniques 00:15:00
- Engaging with professional leadership 00:10:00
- Managers and leaders: what’s the difference? 00:05:00
- Influencing the practice of others 00:15:00
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