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This course applies the tools of anthropology to examine biology in the age of genomics, biotechnological enterprise, biodiversity conservation, pharmaceutical bioprospecting, and synthetic biology.
English [CC]
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It examines such social concerns such as bioterrorism, genetic modification, and cloning. It offers an anthropological inquiry into how the substances and explanations of biology — ecological, organismic, cellular, molecular, genetic, informatic — are changing. The course also examines such artifacts as cell lines, biodiversity databases, and artificial life models, and using primary sources in biology, social studies of the life sciences, and literary and cinematic materials, asks how we might answer Erwin Schrödinger’s 1944 question, “What Is Life?”, today.
Course content
- What is Life? (Part 1) Unlimited
- What is Life? (Part 2) Unlimited
- Evolutionary Narratives, Epidemiological Dramaturgy Unlimited
- Biopolitics and Reproduction Unlimited
- Biology for Sale Unlimited
- Health Disparities in the United States Unlimited
- Remixing Organisms Unlimited
- Animals! Unlimited
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