The Beauty of Diagrams is a BBC documentary series presented by Professor Marcus du Sautoy, exploring the stories behind some of the most familiar scientific diagrams.
166 years, 7 months
. A picture is worth a thousand words. Diagrams have unique capability to express complex ideas simply. The series consists of six episodes about diagrams that have helped us understand complex scientific theories and change our perceptions. The diagrams dealt with in the series include: Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man to show the perfect human body; Copernicus's diagram to explain his idea of the heliocentric universe; the diagram drawn by Newton to explain his prism experiments; Nightingale's Rose Diagram; Watson and Crick's extraordinary diagram of the Double Helix; and the Pioneer Plaque designed to explain mankind to extra-terrestrial life.
Course Currilcum
- Episode 1 – Vitruvian Man Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Copernicus Unlimited
- Episode 3 – Newton’s Prism Unlimited
- Episode 4 – Florence Nightingale Unlimited
- Episode 5 – DNA Unlimited
- Episode 6 – Pioneer Plaque Unlimited