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A decade ago, the possibility of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism hit the media. Fear of the vaccine spread rapidly and, despite an almost unanimous consensus that the claim was unfounded, still persists today.
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In this course, The MMR vaccine: Public health, private fears, we'll examine why this controversy took on such a life of its own and why parents still agonize about the vaccine.Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:- Understand more of the scientific factors that relate to the dispute about the safety of the MMR vaccine in the UK
- Assess the strength of arguments for and against the use of the MMR vaccine
- Show how issues of risk, trust, communication and media representation of science and medicine have a strong bearing on public perception of the MMR vaccine
- Explain why there is such a strong consensus amongst the medical profession testifying to the safety of the MMR vaccine.
Course content
- The MMR controversy 01:00:00
- Background to the controversy 00:40:00
- Risk perception 00:50:00
- Overview 00:20:00
- Blair’s babe 00:20:00
- The expert patient 00:20:00
- Telling tales 00:30:00
- Concluding remarks 00:20:00
- Communication and miscommunication of risk 00:20:00
- Parents’ responses to the risks 00:20:00
- Lessons from history 00:20:00
- What went wrong with MMR? 00:20:00
- Changing parents’ perceptions 00:20:00
- The lessons of MMR 00:30:00
- Research integrity 00:20:00
- Public engagement 00:15:00
- Publishing controversial new ideas 00:15:00
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