The Romantics is a BBC documentary series presented by Peter Ackroyd, exploring the turbulent story of the pioneers of modern imagination: their private pleasures, personal dreams and political passions.
This course includes
Hours of videos
83 years, 3 months
Units & Quizzes
Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion
The series follows the growth of the Romantic idea through three episodes: Liberty, Nature, and Eternity. The main focus is the work and lives of some of the giants of the Romantic movement, William Blake, William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The main character however, is the idea itself, how it is relayed, how it affects change in people and in the world itself.
Course Currilcum
- Episode 1 – Liberty Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Nature Unlimited
- Episode 3 – Eternity Unlimited