The Wonderful World of Albert Kahn is a BBC documentary series narrated by Veronika Hyks, examining philanthropist Albert Kahn's Archives of the Planet - an attempt to document all aspects of human life on earth in the early 20th century using the world's first user-friendly colour photography process, leading to an archive of 72,000 photographs shot in more than 50 countries.
222 years, 2 months
In 1909, Kahn travelled with his chauffeur and photographer, Alfred Dutertre to the Far East on business and returned with many photographs of the journey. This prompted him to begin a project collecting a photographic record of the entire Earth. He appointed Jean Brunhes as the project director, and sent photographers to every continent to record images of the planet using the first colour photography, autochrome plates, and early cinematography. Between 1909 and 1931 they collected 72,000 colour photographs and 183,000 meters of film. These form a unique historical record of 50 countries, known as The Archives of the Planet.
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- Episode 1 – A Vision of the World Unlimited
- Episode 2 – Men of the World Unlimited
- Episode 3 – Europe on the Brink Unlimited
- Episode 4 – The Soldier’s Story Unlimited
- Episode 6 – Europe After the Fire Unlimited
- Episode 7 – Middle East: The Birth of Nations Unlimited
- Episode 8 – Far East: Expeditions to Empires Unlimited
- Episode 9 – The End of a World Unlimited