This course in Training Methods and Continuing Education for Health Workers identifies the role of training and continuing education as an important component of health service and personnel management. Participants will be guided through the steps of planning training and continuing education activities for a range of health workers from managers to village volunteers. The course draws on real-life examples from community-directed onchocerciasis control, village health worker programs, and patent medicine vendor training programs, to name a few.
May 17, 2022
English [CC]
Course Descriptions
As a final project, participants will prepare a training plan that includes needs assessment instruments, procedures for involving the trainees in their own learning, instructional objectives, appropriate learning methods and delivery modes, resource and budget needs, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and follow-up supervision. Participants may wish to use the training guide they develop for this course as a foundation for an MPH CAPSTONE project. Please contact the instructor for details.Course Objectives
After successfully completing this course, you will be able to do the following:- Describe the role that training and continuing education play in personnel development and management.
- Outline the contributions and limits of training in organizational management.
- Explain the process of recruiting appropriate participants for a training program.
- Identify and analyze tasks needed by trainees to perform their jobs.
- Conduct training needs diagnosis.
- Utilize training diagnosis results to choose appropriate content for training programs.
- Formulate observable and measurable instructional objectives.
- Link training content with appropriate training methods.
- Plan training logistics that are convenient for trainees and match available resources.
- Budget for training activities.
- Develop a sample training guide.
- List approaches and resources for distance education.
- Describe methods for monitoring the process of training implementation.
- Define the different levels of evaluation for a training program.
- Describe various tools for evaluating outcomes.
Recommended textbook: Lawson, Karen. The Trainer's Handbook (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer) 0-7879-3991-9. Order from, or Matthews Johns Hopkins Medical Book Center (type in 221-606-81 as course number; alternatively, visit the book centre at 1830 East Monument Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA; phone: 410.955.3931 and 800.266.5725; fax: 410.955.0576).Course Requirements
Overview:Â The course assignments are a series of six related activities focused on the process of planning and developing a short, one-day training experience for real health and related staff. To successfully complete the assignments, you should select a real, identifiable group of agency staff or community volunteers that need training, and then complete each assignment based on the training needs of that group. You do not have to focus on your work situation specifically, but you may, for example, include community associations or NGOs where you do volunteer work. If in the final analysis, you do not feel that you can identify an appropriate set of trainees in any of the suggested settings, you are welcome to use the DOTS reference materials in the Online Library as an example for carrying out the assignments. Assignment topics:- Description of potential trainees
- Plan for diagnosing training needs
- Sample training objectives and tasks
- Training methods and resources
- Evaluation plan
- Full training guide
Recommended Textbook Lawson, Karen. The Trainer's Handbook (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer) 0-7879-3991-9. Order from, or Matthews Johns Hopkins Medical Book Center (type in 221-606-81 as course number; alternatively, visit the book center at 1830 East Monument Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA; phone: 410.955.3931 and 800.266.5725; fax: 410.955.0576). Recommended Articles
Ande O, Oladepo O, and Brieger WR (2004) Comparison of Knowledge on Diarrhoeal Disease Management Between Two Types of Community Based Distributors in Oyo State, Nigeria. Health Education Research, 19 (1): 110-113.
Brieger WR. Inservice training methods in health education. Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 1979; 82: 145 149.
Brieger WR, Akpovi SU. A health education approach to training village health workers. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 1982 83; 3: 145 152. Brieger WR. Wasimi Village: a simulation of the community needs assessment process. Hygie (International Journal of Health Education) 1983; 2: 15 18. Brookfield S. Adult Learning: An Overview. In A. Tuinjman (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford, Pergamon Press. Ewoigbokhan SE and Brieger WR. Village health worker attrition and function levels in the Ile-Ife area of Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 1993-94; 14(4): 323-336. Lieb S. Principles of Adult Learning. VISION. Fall 1991. Onuoha PC and Brieger WR. Continuing education experiences of District level health staff in Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 1992-93: 13 (4): 389-403. Oshiname FO and Brieger WR. Developing primary care training for patent medicine vendors in rural Nigeria. Social Science and Medicine 1992, 35: 1477-1484. Oyadoke AA, Salami KK, Brieger WR. Planning Health Education: Internet and Computer Resources in Southwestern Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 2000-01; 20(4): 307-321. Ryan JM, John GC, Brieger WR. Five-year knowledge retention by volunteer primary health workers in western Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 1990-91; 11: 123-133.
Other Resources
» Module Reading Packets
Module 1Â (214 KB) Module 2Â (218 KB) Module 3Â (379 KB)
» Adult Learning Websites
Principles of Adult Learning
» Training Guides
Family Health Educator Training Guide (189 KB) A Sample Training Diagnosis Plan (32 KB) A Sample Training Guide for Village Health Educators (523 KB) Health and Business (Microfinance) Training Guides Making it Happen - Using Distance Education to Improve Performance Transfer of Learning: Strengthening the Performance of Health Care Workers PDF Transfer of Learning: Strengthening the Performance of Health Care Workers INTERACTIVE Gems from the Field - Practical Training Advice
Course Curriculum
- Lecture 1: An Organizational Context for Training 00:40:00
- Lecture 2: Approaches to Training and Learning 00:55:00
- Lecture 3: Recruitment and Involvement of Trainees 00:58:00
- Lecture 4: Diagnosing Training Needs 00:55:00
- Lecture 5: Content and Objectives 00:55:00
- Lecture 6: Selecting Appropriate Training Methods 00:55:00
- Lecture 7: Material, Time, and Resources 00:59:00
- Lecture 8: Putting It All Together: The Training Guide 00:59:00
- Lecture 12: Evaluating Training Programs 01:00:00
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