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MSE 582 Transmission Electron Microscopy Skills
By Eric Stach
Materials Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
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- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
The course goal is for the students to become comptent, research-level transmission electron microscopists. They will understand the functions of the TEM and how it works. They will be competent in basic operating techniques, and ready to learn more advanced ones as needed.
Course content
- Lecture 1: Introduction Unlimited
- Lecture 2: Basic Properties of Electrons and Electron Sources Unlimited
- Lecture 3: Lenses, Apertures and Resolution Unlimited
- Lecture 4: The Instrument, Part 1 Unlimited
- Lecture 4: The Instrument, Part 2 Unlimited
- Lecture 5: Electron Detection Unlimited
- Lecture 6: Vacuum Science in EM Unlimited
- Lecture 7: Sample Preperation Unlimited
- Lecture 8: Electron Scattering Unlimited
- Lecture 9: Diffraction Unlimited
- Lecture 10: Diffraction Contrast Imaging Unlimited
- Lecture 11: Overview of High-Resolution TEM & Scanning TEM Unlimited
- Lecture 12: Analytical Electron Microscopy Unlimited
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