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Young people (18+) who are interested in but unsure about entering the nuclear industry will find assistance in this free course, Unclear about nuclear?
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
It will help develop their understanding of nuclear energy, improve their study and maths skills in a nuclear context and aid them in investigating further training (within and beyond the OU) or employment opportunities in the nuclear industry.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Engage in learning about the science behind nuclear energy
- Have been introduced to online learning using OU pedagogies
- Be able to improve your study skills in a nuclear context, so equipping you for further study and in particular study of the courses STG074 Learn about nuclear energy or ST174 Inside nuclear energy.
- Be able to improve your maths skills in a nuclear context and equip yourself for further learning, within and beyond the OU
- Be informed about further training and study, within and beyond the OU, that could equip you for employment in the nuclear industry.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- Online learning 00:15:00
- Generating electricity 00:15:00
- Solar energy 00:20:00
- Nuclear power 00:25:00
- A longer term vision 00:10:00
- Introducing the issues 00:25:00
- Scientific notation and significant figures 00:40:00
- Units of energy and power and their conversions 00:25:00
- Atoms and elements 00:15:00
- Electrons, protons, neutrons and isotopes 00:30:00
- Radioactivity 01:00:00
- Uranium 00:20:00
- Energy from nuclei 00:20:00
- A comparison to a conventional power plant 00:10:00
- Fission and the chain reaction 00:07:00
- Criticality 00:15:00
- Controlling the fission chain reaction 00:20:00
- Fissile, fissionable and fertile 00:07:00
- Moderation 00:10:00
- Specific nuclear fuels 00:10:00
- Enrichment 00:15:00
- Fast or thermal? 00:15:00
- The activity of spent nuclear fuel 00:15:00
- Health effects of radiation 00:07:00
- How radiation interacts with living cells 00:10:00
- How does a low radiation dose cause cancer? 00:20:00
- High dose radiation 00:10:00
- Acute radiation syndrome (ARS) 00:25:00
- Thorium: an alternative fuel cycle 00:10:00
- Nuclear fusion 00:30:00
- Sustainability 00:20:00
- Where next? 00:20:00
- Conclusion 00:03:00
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