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Energy from sources other than fossil and nuclear fuels is, to a large extent, free of the concerns about environmental effects and renewability that characterise those two sources.
English [CC]
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Each alternative source supplies energy continually, whether or not we use it. This free course, Understanding deep geothermal energy, considers one of these alternative sources, geothermal energy, derived from the interior heat of the Earth, and the potential for this alternative to supplant fossil and nuclear fuel to power social needs fast enough to avoid the likelihood of future global warming and other kinds of pollution.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Explain the principles that underlie the ability of geothermal energy to deliver useable energy
- Outline the technologies that are used to harness the power of geothermal energy
- Discuss the positive and negative aspects of geothermal energy in relation to natural and human aspects of the environment.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- Geothermal energy 00:20:00
- High- to medium-enthalpy steam fields 00:15:00
- Hot dry rock (HDR) fields 00:20:00
- Locating high-enthalpy geothermal fields 00:10:00
- Geothermal power plants 00:10:00
- Direct heating using geothermal energy 00:15:00
- The pros and cons, and future of geothermal energy 00:15:00
- Conclusion 00:10:00
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