Walking with Beasts is a BBC documentary series narrated by Kenneth Branagh, about life on Earth in the Cenozoic, from the late Cretaceous

This course includes
Hours of videos

166 years, 7 months

Units & Quizzes


Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion

(65.5 million years ago) to the late Pleistocene (30,000 years ago). The series consists of six episodes, each of which deals with life in a particular period of the Cenozoic by featuring a particular creature or family group, its habitats, and its survival strategies. And also it includes some of evolutionary concepts such as the evolution of whales and the evolution of humans. The series recreates life in the Cenozoic by using film making techniques such as animatronics and computer-generated imagery.

Course Currilcum

  • Episode 1 – New Dawn Unlimited
  • Episode 2 – Whale Killer Unlimited
  • Episode 3 – Land of Giants Unlimited
  • Episode 4 – Next of Kin Unlimited
  • Episode 5 – Sabre Tooth Unlimited
  • Episode 6 – Mammoth Journey Unlimited