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This is a personal development course for carers in Wales.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
It will help you to identify and reflect on your experiences, interests, skills and your future aspirations. You will also have the opportunity to develop a personal action plan to take forward beyond the course.
Developed by The Open University in Wales and Carers Trust Wales, it is embedded with case studies from real carers sharing their experiences and reflections.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- A clearer understanding of your experiences as a carer and also in your wider roles
- An understanding of the various skills that you have developed as a carer and in your wider roles and how these are transferable to other situations
- An appreciation of personal qualities developed through your caring role
- A chance to think about your goals and aspirations for the future
- An idea of how you might work towards these goals and where you may get help and support
- The ability to use information technology (IT) to carry out reflective activities in writing and communicating
- The ability to use the internet to find information useful to you
- The ability to explore and use new ways of expressing ideas.
Course content
- Introduction 00:15:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- What’s in the course and how do I use it? 00:05:00
- My Reflection Log 00:07:00
- Using the course 00:10:00
- Acknowledgements 00:15:00
- What is reflection? 00:10:00
- Case studies 00:40:00
- Your reflection 00:20:00
- Summary 00:07:00
- Acknowledgements 00:10:00
- Introduction 00:15:00
- Experiences over time 00:15:00
- My timeline 00:10:00
- Learning from experience 00:15:00
- What I’ve learned from my past experience 00:10:00
- Looking backwards, looking forwards 00:15:00
- Summary 00:10:00
- Acknowledgements 00:10:00
- Introduction 00:05:00
- Carers’ skills and qualities 00:10:00
- Skills and qualities 00:15:00
- Summary 00:05:00
- Acknowledgements 00:15:00
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Your support and next steps 00:15:00
- Review your table 00:15:00
- Final activity 00:15:00
- Acknowledgements 00:15:00
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