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How is your image of a place influenced and changed?
English [CC]
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Does it depend on whether you are a resident or an outsider? How do government and tourism campaigns and stories in the media affect your perception? This free course, Who belongs to Glasgow?, uses images of Glasgow to explore this multifaceted concept.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Demonstrate an awareness of ideas about place and identity using our concept of ‘geographical imagination’ by examining the images that represent a place to reveal how those images came about
- Show an awareness of ideas about place and identity by examining the images that represent a place to reveal two sets of relationships that are important in understanding the character of a place: power relations and local-global relations.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:07:00
- Why Glasgow? 00:10:00
- The hard side of Glasgow 00:20:00
- Constructing a new image 00:20:00
- How the programme progresses 00:15:00
- Postscript 00:10:00
- Watching the programme 00:35:00
- Conclusion 00:05:00
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