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Although being at work during periods of mental illness can be difficult for those with mental health problems, most people with these difficulties could take paid employment if it were not for numerous barriers in the workplace and the wider community (Centre for Mental Health, 2013).
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
In this course, Work and mental health, you will look at some of the ways in which employment affects mental health and what can be done to support people in finding and keeping work.
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Explain how the experience of mental health problems affect, and are affected by, employment
- Understand how the recovery model can be used to support people with mental problems to return to work
- Explain what can be done to reduce the barriers to employment for people with mental health problems.
Course content
- Introduction 00:05:00
- Learning outcomes 00:05:00
- Rewards and challenges 00:10:00
- Employment and mental health problems 00:20:00
- Employment and recovery 00:25:00
- Finding and keeping paid work 00:20:00
- Conclusion 00:05:00
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