Weather Safety

Courses to get you started

Open University UK

Surviving the winter

In this free course, Surviving the winter, we study one aspect of the fluctuating nature of the environment of an organism. We consider how organisms living in a temperate climate, such as that in Britain, are adapted to cope with winter. You will see that there is much diversity of adaptations among organisms, with different species coping with the demands of a fluctuating environment in quite different ways. As cyclic variations are a widespread feature of environments, the range of adaptations to them is an important source of biological diversity.

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Severe Summer Weather Training

Severe Summer Weather Training

Summer severe (convective) weather presents many challenges to the forecaster. This self-paced, distance learning course addresses the scientific aspects of a few of those challenges: buoyancy, shear, and their interaction to create various types of summer severe weather phenomena (squall lines, bow echoes, supercells, etc).

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Adverse Weather Training

Adverse Weather Training

Extreme weather conditions can make a difference in your normal driving. That mostly affects your ability to see, which is very limited in adverse weather conditions such as rain, fog, ice, snow, and dust.

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Lightning Safety Training

Lightning Safety Training

Lightning can be beautiful to watch—from a distance. However, if you experience lightning during any type of activity—whether you are indoors or outdoors, here are a few things you can do to help you stay safe.

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Hypothermia Training

Hypothermia is a potentially dangerous drop in body temperature, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. The risk of cold exposure increases as the winter months arrive. But if you’re exposed to cold temperatures on a spring hike or capsized on a summer sail, you can also be at risk of hypothermia.

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Winter Weather Hazards Training

In addition to cold stress, there are other winter weather-related hazards that workers may be exposed to when performing tasks such as driving in the snow, removing snow from rooftops, and working near downed or damaged power lines.

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