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Last updated:

September 23, 2023


Unlimited Duration


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Unlimited Duration

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Unlimited Duration


Math E-222 - Abstract Algebra (Fall 2003, Harvard Extension School). Instructor: Professor Benedict Gross. Algebra is the language of modern mathematics.

This course introduces students to that language through a study of groups, group actions, vector spaces, linear algebra, and the theory of fields. Topics include: Review of Linear Algebra; Permutations; Quotient Groups, First Isomorphism Theorem; Abstract Linear Operators and How to Calculate with Them; Orthogonal Groups; Isometrics of Plane Figures; Group Actions; A5 and the Symmetries of an Icosahedron; Rings; Euclidean Domains, PIDs, UFDs; and Structure of Ring of Integers in a Quadratic Field.

Course Curriculum

    • Lecture 01 – Introduction to the Course; Review: Linear Algebra; Definition of Groups Unlimited
    • Lecture 02 – Generalities on Groups; Examples of Groups Unlimited
    • Lecture 03 – Isomorphisms; Homomorphisms; Images Unlimited
    • Lecture 04 – Review, Kernels, Normality; Examples; Centers and Inner Autos Unlimited
    • Lecture 05 – Equivalence Relations; Cosets; Examples Unlimited
    • Lecture 06 – Congruence Mod n; (Z/nZ)* Unlimited
    • Lecture 07 – Quotients Unlimited
    • Lecture 08 – More on Quotients; Vector spaces Unlimited
    • Lecture 09 – Vector spaces (cont.) Unlimited
    • Lecture 10 – Bases and Vector spaces; Matrices and Linear Transformations Unlimited
    • Lecture 11 – Bases; Matrices Unlimited
    • Lecture 12 – Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Unlimited
    • Lecture 13 – Review for Midterm; Orthogonal Group Unlimited
    • Lecture 14 – Orthogonal Group and Geometry Unlimited
    • Lecture 15 – Finite Groups of Motions Unlimited
    • Lecture 16 – Discrete Groups of Motions Unlimited
    • Lecture 17 – Discrete Groups of Motions; Abstract Group Actions Unlimited
    • Lecture 18 – Group Actions Unlimited
    • Lecture 19 – Group Actions (cont.) Unlimited
    • Lecture 20 – Group Actions: Sylow Theorems Unlimited
    • Lecture 21 – Group Actions: Sylow Theorems (continued), Classification Theorems Unlimited
    • Lecture 22 – Group Actions: The Symmetric Group, Conjugation, S5 Classes Unlimited
    • Lecture 23 – Alternating Group Structure Unlimited
    • Lecture 24 – Rings Unlimited
    • Lecture 25 – Rings (cont.) Unlimited
    • Lecture 26 – R Commutative Ring, Quotient Rings and Isomorphisms Unlimited
    • Lecture 27 – Examples of Rings Unlimited
    • Lecture 28 – Rings: Review Unlimited
    • Lecture 29 – Quotient Rings, Integral Domains, Fields of Fractions Unlimited
    • Lecture 30 – Domains and Factorization in Z, Euclidean Algorithm Unlimited
    • Lecture 31 – Domains and Factorization in Z (cont.), Gauss’ Lemma Unlimited
    • Lecture 32 – Gaussian Integers Unlimited
    • Lecture 33 – Gauss’ Lemma, Eisenstein’s Criterion, Algebraic Integers Unlimited
    • Lecture 34 – Gauss’ Lemma, Eisenstein’s Criterion, Algebraic Integers (cont.) Unlimited
    • Lecture 35 – Prime and Maximal Ideals, Dedekind Domains, Class Groups Unlimited
    • Lecture 36 – Dedekind Domains, Ideal Class Groups Unlimited
    • Lecture 37 – Review 1 Unlimited
    • Lecture 38 – Review 2 Unlimited

About the instructor

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