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This course is intended to provide employees with an overview of the actions required to help achieve a “Corporate Safety Culture” within the company. This training will significantly aid employees in understanding this concept.
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What is Safety Culture?
Recently, the term “workplace culture” has become very trendy. More than just a buzzword, workplace culture refers to the way things are done at your workplace. Rather than referring to your company’s specific safety policy and program, the concept of safety culture is encapsulated by the mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors of workers, supervisors, managers, and owners toward safety in the workplace. Positive safety culture in the workplace is absolutely a vital part of a successful and effective health and safety program. You may find the idea of building or changing your safety culture daunting because the “way it is” at your workplace has fallen into a pattern of complacency. The effects of complacency can be catastrophic: accidents, injuries, illnesses, even loss of life could result. Don’t allow this to happen in your workplace.A great way to increase safety communication while building a positive culture is to hold weekly or monthly safety talks. Increase worker buy-in by having them lead the talks. Make safety policies readily available electronically or on paper, and use your Intranet to communicate safe practices, expectations, and best practices when it comes to safety in your workplace.
Training employees demonstrates your commitment to safety. Trained employees also embrace safety culture more readily because they are aware of hazards and the effect that they can have on maintaining workplace safety. Review key messages from training sessions often to reinforce learning.
Lead by example by following all safety policies and encouraging employees to do the same. If management commits to safety, employees will follow suit. Employee buy-in is crucial to a positive safety culture. Workers won’t buy-in to safety if they don’t see policies and procedures being followed by their superiors. Safety is more than talking the talk; its walking the walk.
Reward employees who report safety hazards or concerns. A positive safety culture will be much easier to build and maintain when employees feel comfortable reporting concerns and believe that the reporting process is positive.
Building and maintaining a safety culture starts from the ground up. Another way to build strong employee buy-in is to involve them in the process. Ask them what they would like the reporting process to look like, or get their feedback on current communication methods.
Course content
- Achieving a Safety Culture 00:10:00
- Company Safety Policy 00:10:00
- What is a Safety Culture? 00:15:00
- Achieving a Safety Culture 00:10:00
- Program Implementation 00:10:00
- Management’s Rule 00:30:00
- Safety Incentives & Recognition 00:10:00
- What is Incentive? 00:20:00
- What is Recognition? 00:20:00
- Attitude 00:30:00
- The Human Factor 00:30:00
- Accident Causation 00:40:00
- Final Touch 00:20:00
- Purpose of the Standards Around the World FREE 00:30:00
- British Standards FREE 02:00:00
- European Standards FREE 02:00:00
- Achieving Safety Culture Certificate Test 00:50:00
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