The Bachelor (Hons) in Business Administration program of Lincoln University College, Malaysia (LUC) is designed to help the students to acquire academic and technical skills, so that they are able to take up managerial roles in the future. LUC strives to provide the graduate students with adequate knowledge of business and in-depth knowledge of their subject areas. This learning will help the students to achieve success in the professional field.

This course includes
Hours of videos

Units & Quizzes


Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion

The objectives of the course are aimed at:

  1. Developing the skills and abilities required to exhibit strong leadership qualities and management abilities in a complex global and changing business environment by providing students with an understanding of the management disciplines of accounting & finance, marketing and managing people. Elective subjects can further extend this knowledge base to accommodate student interest and vocational needs.
  2. Offering opportunities to explore modern aspects of Business Administration not previously considered and to broaden aspects that were covered in previous studies.
  3. Developing a keen appreciation of some key theoretical concepts, major economic themes and significant current issues related to Business Administration.
  4. Providing opportunities for practical appreciation and application of the Business Administration perspective for businesses in the Asian region.
  5. Developing an awareness of the professional context as it will enable the graduates with Business Administration credentials to acquire information regarding the areas of employment.

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