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This course, Constitutions in transition, explores and compares the development of four nation-state constitutions from around the world: South Africa, Germany, Canada and the United Kingdom.
English [CC]
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It looks at some of the factors influencing how constitutions come to be as they are through a process of evolution and revolution, ultimately focusing on the key concepts and principles underlying the UK constitution
Course learning outcomes
After studying this course, you should be able to:
- Understand the general concept of a constitutional framework
- Understand the factors contributing to constitutional change – both evolutionary and revolutionary – by looking at the constitutional frameworks of South Africa, Germany, Canada and the UK
- Identify and describe key characteristics of the UK constitution
- Understand the historic aspects of the constitutional developments of the UK and their relevance in constitutional law today
- Reflect critically on the UK constitution by studying and comparing the constitutional frameworks and history of South Africa, Germany and Canada.
Course content
- Introduction 00:10:00
- Learning outcomes 00:10:00
- Evolution and revolution 00:20:00
- The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 00:15:00
- Rights – the South African way 00:15:00
- The social and political context 00:15:00
- Truth, damn truth, and statistics 00:10:00
- The Interim Constitution 00:10:00
- The first post-apartheid parliament 00:15:00
- The Constitutional Court 00:15:00
- The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) 00:15:00
- The Rolls-Royce of constitutions 00:15:00
- The constitution of Germany 00:07:00
- Civil law legal systems 00:20:00
- Germany 00:15:00
- The constitution in the past 00:20:00
- The constitution today 00:05:00
- Grundgesetz 00:15:00
- Constitutional rights and values 00:15:00
- The Federal Constitutional Court 00:20:00
- Canada 00:05:00
- An ‘untidy’ constitution 00:20:00
- Becoming Canada 00:15:00
- Independence? 00:07:00
- The Canada Act 1982 00:10:00
- Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 00:15:00
- The Supreme Court of Canada 00:20:00
- Where does Canada go? 00:10:00
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