



Created by:

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Last updated:

November 28, 2022


Unlimited Duration


This course includes:

Unlimited Duration

Badge on Completion

Certificate of completion

Unlimited Duration


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Create lumped parameter models (expressed as ODEs) of simple dynamic systems in the electrical and mechanical energy domains
  • Make quantitative estimates of model parameters from experimental measurements
  • Obtain the time-domain response of linear systems to initial conditions and/or common forcing functions (specifically; impulse, step and ramp input) by both analytical and computational methods
  • Obtain the frequency-domain response of linear systems to sinusoidal inputs
  • Compensate the transient response of dynamic systems using feedback techniques
  • Design, implement and test an active control system to achieve a desired performance measure

Mastery of these topics will be assessed via homework, quizzes/exams, and lab assignments.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction Unlimited
  • Example: cruise control Unlimited
  • Laplace transform definition, properties Unlimited
  • Block diagram algebra Unlimited
  • Modeling: impedance of electrical components Unlimited
  • Kirchoff’s laws, circuit equations Unlimited
  • Transfer functions, loop/mesh currents Unlimited
  • Modeling: real components as Thevenin and Norton sources Unlimited
  • Modeling: one-dimensional mechanical components Unlimited
  • Modeling: impedance of mechanical components Unlimited
  • Transfer functions in MATLAB and Maple Unlimited
  • Operational amplifiers Unlimited
  • Generalized system modeling Unlimited
  • Modeling: rotational systems Unlimited
  • Example: rotational systems Unlimited
  • Modeling: two-port components Unlimited
  • LTI system response Unlimited
  • Standard input functions: delta, step, ramp, sinusoid Unlimited
  • Poles and zeros Unlimited
  • Standard 1st and 2nd order system responses Unlimited
  • Higher order systems, LTI system properties Unlimited
  • Example: finding system responses Unlimited
  • Effects of poles and zeros Unlimited
  • Closed-loop systems, steady-state errors Unlimited
  • System stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion Unlimited
  • Stability of closed-loop systems, root locus plots Unlimited
  • Root locus development Unlimited
  • Root locus development (cont.) Unlimited
  • Root locus summary, MATLAB Unlimited
  • Sinusoidal system response Unlimited
  • Frequency response and pole-zero plots Unlimited
  • Bode plots Unlimited
  • Poles and zeros on bode plots Unlimited
  • Bode plots, conclusion Unlimited

About the instructor

5 5

Instructor Rating







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Massachusetts Institute of Technology