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In the last 50 years, solid state devices like transistors have evolved from an interesting laboratory experiment to a technology with applications in all aspects of modern life.
English [CC]
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Making transistors is a complex process that requires unprecedented collaboration among material scientists, solid state physicists, chemists, numerical analysts, and software professionals. And yet, as you will see in part 1 of this course (first 5 weeks), that the basics of current flow though solid state semiconductor devices can be understood by using some elementary concepts of quantum- and statistical-mechanics. In Part 2 (next 5 weeks), we will use this framework to analyze bipolar-transistors (Shockley, 1953). And in Part 3 (last 5 weeks), we will do the same for MOSFETs (Grove, 1967). Although much have changed in the last 30 years - transistors have gotten smaller, MEMS have become an important research area, and cross-disciplinary research in nano-bio-electronic systems is flourishing - yet the simple but powerful concepts that you will learn in this introductory course will still provide you the background and a reference point for all your future research work ( I will give you examples of such new applications as we go along).
Course content
- ECE 606 Lecture 1: Introduction Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 2: Geometry of Periodic Crystals Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 3: Elements of Quantum Mechanics Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 4: Solution of Schrodinger Equation Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 5: Energy Bands Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 6: Energy Bands (continued) Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 7: Energy Bands in Real Crystals Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 8: Density of States Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 9: Fermi-Dirac Statistics Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 10: Additional Information Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 11: Equilibrium Statistics Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 12: Equilibrium Concentrations Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 13: Recombination-Generation Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 14: Bulk Recombination Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 15: Surface Recombination/Generation Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 16: Carrier Transport Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 17: Hall Effect, Diffusion Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 18: Continuity Equations Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 19: Numerical Solution of Transport Equation Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 20: Electrostatics of P-N Junction Diodes Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 21: P-N Diode I-V Characteristics Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 22: Non-ideal Effects Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 23: AC Response Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 24: Large Signal Response Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 25: Schottky Diode I Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 26: Schottky Diode II Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 27: Introduction to Bipolar Transistors Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 28: BJT Design I Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 29: BJT Design II Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 30: Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors I Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 31: Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors II Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 32: MOS Electrostatics I Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 33: MOS Electrostatics II Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 34: MOSCAP Frequency Response Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 35: MOSFET I-V Characteristics I Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 36: MOSFET I-V Characteristics II Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 37a: Nonideal Effects in MOSFET I Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 37b: Nonideal Effects in MOSFET II Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 38: Modern MOSFET Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 39: Reliability of MOSFET Unlimited
- ECE 606 Lecture 40: Looking Back and Looking Forward Unlimited
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