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Last updated:

April 12, 2022


Unlimited Duration


This course includes:

Unlimited Duration

Badge on Completion

Certificate of completion

Unlimited Duration


In this course, Evolution through natural selection, we describe the theory of evolution by natural selection as proposed by Charles Darwin in his book

first published in 1859, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. We will look at natural selection as Darwin did, taking inheritance for granted, but ignoring the mechanisms underlying it.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • Understand that by biological evolution we mean that many of the organisms that inhabit the Earth today are different from those that inhabited it in the past
  • Understand that natural selection is one of several processes that can bring about evolution, although it can also promote stability rather than change
  • Understand that the four propositions underlying Darwin's theory of evolution through natural selection are: (1) more individuals are produced than can survive; (2) there is therefore a struggle for existence; (3) individuals within a species show variation; and (4) offspring tend to inherit their parents’ characters
  • Understand that the three necessary and sufficient conditions for natural selection to occur are: (1) a struggle for existence; (2) variation; and (3) inheritance
  • Understand that Endler's experiment with guppies demonstrated that evolution through natural selection can occur in relatively few generations.

Course Curriculum

  • Introduction 00:05:00
  • Learning outcomes 00:10:00
  • Charles Darwin 00:15:00
  • Darwin and natural selection 00:20:00
    • Introduction 00:05:00
    • Number of progeny 00:15:00
    • The struggle for existence 00:05:00
    • Variation 00:15:00
    • Inheritance 00:20:00
    • Other influences on evolution 00:20:00
    • Summary 00:10:00
    • Conclusion 00:03:00

About the instructor

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Open University UK