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Last updated:

September 26, 2023


Unlimited Duration


This course includes:

Unlimited Duration

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Unlimited Duration


CS 184: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (Fall 2012, UC Berkeley). Instructor: Professor Ravi Ramamoorthi. This course is an introduction to the foundations of 3-dimensional computer graphics.

Topics covered include 2D and 3D transformations, interactive 3D graphics programming with OpenGL, shading and lighting models, geometric modeling using Bezier and B-Spline curves, computer graphics rendering including ray tracing and global illumination, signal processing for anti-aliasing and texture mapping, and animation and inverse kinematics. There will be an emphasis on both the mathematical and geometric aspects of graphics, as well as the ability to write complete 3D graphics programs.

Course Curriculum

    • Lecture 1.1 – Motivation: Why do We Study 3D Graphics? Unlimited
    • Lecture 1.2 – Course Outline and Logistics Unlimited
    • Lecture 1.3 – Brief History of Computer Graphics Unlimited
    • Lecture 2.1 – Vectors and Dot Products Unlimited
    • Lecture 2.2 – Vectors: Cross Products Unlimited
    • Lecture 2.3 – Vectors: Orthonormal Basis Frames Unlimited
    • Lecture 2.4 – Matrices Unlimited
    • Lecture 3.1 – Basic 2D Transforms Unlimited
    • Lecture 3.2 – Composing Transforms Unlimited
    • Lecture 3.3 – 3D Rotations Unlimited
    • Lecture 4.1 – Homogeneous Coordinates Unlimited
    • Lecture 4.2 – Transforming Normals Unlimited
    • Lecture 4.3 – Rotations Revisited and Coordinate Frames Unlimited
    • Lecture 4.4 – Derivation of gluLookAt Unlimited
    • Lecture 5.1 – Orthographic Projection Unlimited
    • Lecture 5.2 – Perspective Projection Unlimited
    • Lecture 5.3 – Derivation of gluPerspective Unlimited
    • Lecture 6.1 – Overview and Motivation Unlimited
    • Lecture 6.2 – Basic Setup and Buffers, Matrix Modes Unlimited
    • Lecture 6.3 – Window System Interaction and Callbacks Unlimited
    • Lecture 6.4 – Drawing Basic OpenGL Primitives Unlimited
    • Lecture 6.5 – Initializing Shaders Unlimited
    • Lecture 7.1 – Motivation Unlimited
    • Lecture 7.2 – Gouraud and Phong Shading Unlimited
    • Lecture 7.3 – Lighting and Shading Unlimited
    • Lecture 7.4 – Fragment Shader Example Unlimited
    • Lecture 8.1 – Basic Geometry Setup Unlimited
    • Lecture 8.2 – Matrix Stacks and Transforms Unlimited
    • Lecture 8.3 – Depth Testing (Z-Buffering) Unlimited
    • Lecture 8.4 – Animation (Moving Teapot) Unlimited
    • Lecture 8.5 – Texture Mapping Unlimited
    • Lecture 9.1 – History and Basic Ray Casting Unlimited
    • Lecture 9.2 – Core Algorithm: Shadows and Reflections Unlimited
    • Lecture 9.3 – Ray-Surface Intersection Unlimited
    • Lecture 9.4 – Optimizations Unlimited
    • Lecture 10.1 – Camera Ray Casting Unlimited
    • Lecture 10.2 – Ray-Object Intersections Unlimited
    • Lecture 10.3 – Lighting Calculations and Shading Unlimited
    • Lecture 10.4 – Recursive Ray Tracing Unlimited

About the instructor

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