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Last updated:

September 23, 2023


Unlimited Duration


This course includes:

Unlimited Duration

Badge on Completion

Certificate of completion

Unlimited Duration


Statistics 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics (Fall 2010, UC Berkeley). Taught by Professor Deborah Nolan, this course provides an introduction to probability and statistics.

For students with mathematical background who wish to acquire basic concepts. Relative frequencies, discrete probability, random variables, expectation. Testing hypotheses. Estimation. Illustrations from various fields.

Course Curriculum

  • Lecture 01 – Data, Let’s Collect some Unlimited
  • Lecture 02 – Intro to the R Project, Functions in R Unlimited
  • Lecture 03 – Distribution of Quantitative Variables Unlimited
  • Lecture 04 – Variables and Functions in R Unlimited
  • Lecture 06 – BMI (Body Mass Index), Numerical Summaries of Quantitative Data Unlimited
  • Lecture 07 – Graphic Composition Overview Unlimited
  • Lecture 08 – Scatter Plots, Studying the Relationship between Two Quantitative Variables Unlimited
  • Lecture 09 – Numerical Summaries of Data Unlimited
  • Lecture 10 – Fisher’s “Lady Tasting Tea” Experiment Unlimited
  • Lecture 11 – Design of Experiments Unlimited
  • Lecture 12 – Design of Experiments (cont.) Unlimited
  • Lecture 13 – The Box Model Unlimited
  • Lecture 14 – Informal Analysis of an Experiment Unlimited
  • Lecture 15 – Probability; Deck of Cards Unlimited
  • Lecture 16 – Conditional Probability Unlimited
  • Lecture 17 – Pascal’ & Fermat’s Solutions Unlimited
  • Lecture 18 – Probability Distributions, R & Probability Unlimited
  • Lecture 19 – Probability: Hypothesis Testing Unlimited
  • Lecture 20 – Hypothesis Testing; Roulette Wheel Unlimited
  • Lecture 21 – Boxes and Hypothesis Tests Unlimited
  • Lecture 22 – Two Probability Laws and Hypothesis Tests for Averages Unlimited
  • Lecture 23 – Central Limit Theorem Unlimited
  • Lecture 24 – Hypothesis Tests for Averages Unlimited
  • Lecture 25 – Survey Design Unlimited
  • Lecture 26 – Project Overview Unlimited
  • Lecture 27 – Sampling Unlimited
  • Lecture 28 – Featured Plots Unlimited
  • Lecture 29 – More on Sampling Unlimited
  • Lecture 30 – Correlation and Regression Unlimited
  • Lecture 31 – Fitting Lines to Data Unlimited
  • Lecture 33 – More on Regression Unlimited
  • Lecture 34 – Regression Concepts Unlimited
  • Lecture 35 – Relationships between Categorical Variables Unlimited

About the instructor

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