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Last updated:

April 8, 2022


4 weeks

This course includes:

4 weeks

Badge on Completion

Certificate of completion

4 weeks


Lead is commonly used at many construction sites, particularly in demolition, salvage, removal, encapsulating, renovation and cleanup. The hazardous substance can pose a risk to workers if they are not properly protected. Exposure can take place in a number of ways – workers can inhale lead fumes or dust, or even ingest lead through contaminated hands. The hazard can follow the worker home by collecting on skin, clothes, hair, tools and vehicles.

Although the severity of adverse health effects of lead exposure varies depending on exposure levels and length, people suffering from asthma or other respiratory illnesses may be at increased risk. To avoid exposure:
  • Use proper personal protective equipment, such as gloves and approved respirators.
  • Wash hands and face after work and before eating.
  • Never enter eating areas wearing PPE.
  • Clothes and shoes worn during lead exposure should not be taken home from work.
  • Launder clothing daily using proper cleaning methods.
  • Be alert to symptoms of lead exposure, such as severe abdominal pain, headache and loss of motor coordination.
  • When working outdoors, stand upwind of any plume.
  • Use local exhaust ventilation for enclosed work areas.
  • Whenever possible, use lead-free materials and chemicals.
  • Use dust-collecting equipment and wet methods to decrease dust.

Course Curriculum

    • Lead Exposure 00:50:00
    • Potential for Exposure 00:30:00
    • Standard on Lead 01:00:00
    • Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) 00:40:00
    • Assessing the Exposure Level 00:50:00
    • Exposure Results 00:30:00
    • Monitoring Requirements 01:00:00
    • Written Compliance Programs 00:30:00
    • Control Measures to Reduce Exposures 00:40:00
    • Engineering Controls 00:20:00
    • Housekeeping 00:15:00
    • Personal Hygiene as Work Practice Controls 00:35:00
    • Administrative Controls 00:20:00
    • Respirator Requirements 00:30:00
    • Protective Clothing and Equipment 01:30:00
    • Warning Signs 00:15:00
    • Medical Surveillance 00:40:00
    • Medical Removal 01:00:00
    • Recordkeeping 00:30:00
    • Lead Exposure For Construction Certification Test 00:45:00

About the instructor

5 5

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