This is the third of four courses which comprise the course Learning to teach. Critical reflection is crucial to becoming a successful teacher. This course, Becoming a reflective practitioner, explains what is meant by reflective practice and how to ensure that reflection leads to learning. As a beginner teacher, you will encounter many contradictions and challenges in school; you will learn to teach in a particular context but will need to be able to transfer your learning to new contexts. Critical reflection will help you to do this. This free course explores the different models of critical reflection, knowledge of which will help you to structure your practice, and evaluate whether you are reflecting and therefore learning effectively.

This course includes
Hours of videos

Units & Quizzes


Unlimited Lifetime access
Access on mobile app
Certificate of Completion

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:
  • Understand the role of reflective practice in ITE (Initial Teacher Education)
  • Recognize some models of reflective practice
  • Identify the difference between reflection, analysis, and description
  • Understand the difficulties in ensuring that reflection leads to learning and begin to develop some strategies to ensure reflection supports development.

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