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Last updated:

September 25, 2023


Unlimited Duration


This course includes:

Unlimited Duration

Badge on Completion

Certificate of completion

Unlimited Duration


Should We Trust Computers? Computers and software have transformed the world in 67 years and the pace of change is still accelerating.

The achievements have been extraordinary: we have the Web, Google and GPS - but we also have viruses, spam and cybercrime. What can we learn from past triumphs and disasters to help us decide about Big Data, driverless cars, artificial intelligence and life in silico? Might the future be built on sand, metaphorically as well as literally?

An independent consultant systems engineer and non-executive director, Professor Martyn Thomas is an internationally recognised expert in safety-critical or security-critical, software intensive systems, software engineering, and cybersecurity. (from gresham.ac.uk)

Course Curriculum

  • 01. Should We Trust Computers? Unlimited
  • 02. A Very Brief History of Computing, 1948-2015 Unlimited
  • 03. How Can Software Be So Hard? Unlimited
  • 04. Computers, People and the Real World Unlimited
  • 05. Cybersecurity Unlimited
  • 06. Big Data: The Broken Promise of Anonymisation Unlimited
  • 07. Are You the Customer or the Product? Unlimited
  • 08. Safety-Critical Systems Unlimited
  • 09. The Dilemmas of Privacy and Surveillance Unlimited
  • 10. What Really Happened in Y2K? Unlimited
  • 11. Making Software ‘Correct by Construction’ Unlimited
  • 12. Artificial Intelligence Unlimited

About the instructor

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