




Created by:

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Last updated:

September 22, 2023


4 weeks

This course includes:

4 weeks

Badge on Completion

Certificate of completion

4 weeks


Whilst the office environment may appear to be one of the safest places to work, statistics show that many, often avoidable, accidents occur in offices and call centres every day. These accidents are often the result of people’s lack of awareness of basic safety principles, something that could be prevented through the provision of regular safety awareness training.

This course has been developed to help employees to understand what there role and responsibilities are with regards to the management of health and safety in the workplace. All employees have responsibilities to take care of their own health and safety and to protect the safety of those around them.  Employees also have to cooperate with the employer on all aspects of health and safety.  Similarly, employers also have specific responsibilities towards employees, such as providing safe systems of work, safety training, information and protective equipment. This course considers the key hazards and risks within a typical modern office environment.  Attention is given to the most common safety issues such as slips and trips; fire safety; Display Screen Equipment (DSE) and manual handling. By employers requiring their staff to complete this online training course, it will help employers to comply with their health and safety obligations; provide a safer working environment for all office staff and make staff aware of their own responsibilities and duties with regards to health and safety in the workplace.  

Course Curriculum

    • Overview of Office Hazards 00:20:00
    • Leading Types of Disabling Accidents in Offices 00:20:00
    • Common Office Safety and Health Hazards 00:10:00
    • Physical Layout and Housekeeping Hazards 00:30:00
    • Exits and Egress Hazards 00:30:00
    • Fire Hazards 00:20:00
    • Handling and Storage Hazards 00:20:00
    • Office Furniture Hazards 01:00:00
    • Electrical Hazards 00:30:00
    • Office Machinery and Tool Hazards 00:50:00
    • Computer Monitors & Work Station Arrangement 00:10:00
    • Computer Workstation Design 00:20:00
    • Ventilation 00:10:00
    • Illumination 00:20:00
    • Noise 00:40:00
    • Office Safety Training State of Washington Test 00:45:00

About the instructor

5 5

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