Transistor scaling has pushed channel lengths to the nanometer regime where traditional approaches to MOSFET device physics are less and less suitable
249 years, 11 months
This short course describes a way of understanding MOSFETs that is much more suitable than traditional approaches when the channel lengths are of nanoscale dimensions. lecture 1 reviews traditional MOSFET theory, and Lecture 2 presents the new approach in its simplest form. Lectures 3A and 3B describe the mathematical treatment of ballistic MOSFETs and Lecture 4 discusses at a simple level the physics of scattering in quasi-ballistic MOSFETs. Lecture 5 illustrates how this approach us used to analyze and interpret experimental data. Lectures 1-5 are based on a semi-classical treatment; in Lecture 6, an introduction to the quantum transport in nano-MOSFETs is provided. Finally, Lecture 7 connects this sort course to the "bottom up" approach of Supriyo Datta.
Course Currilcum
- Introduction: Physics of Nanoscale MOSFETs Unlimited
- Lecture 1: Review of MOSFET Fundamentals Unlimited
- Lecture 2: Elementary Theory of the Nanoscale MOSFET Unlimited
- Lecture 3A: The Ballistic MOSFET Unlimited
- Lecture 3B: The Ballistic MOSFET Unlimited
- Lecture 4: Scattering in Nanoscale MOSFETs Unlimited
- Lecture 5: Application to State-of-the-Art FETs Unlimited
- Lecture 6: Quantum Transport in Nanoscale FETs Unlimited
- Lecture 7: Connection to the Bottom Up Approach Unlimited