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One is Salam and the other is Istisna'. ... Both are sales of a special nature: Salam is used to finance agricultural like goods and Istisna' is used to finance manufactured like goods.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Course content
- Salam and Istisna – Background FREE 00:00:00
- Istisna FREE 00:00:00
- Salam – Explained FREE 00:00:00
- Salam – Mode of Financing FREE 00:00:00
- Parallel Salam – Explained FREE 00:00:00
- Istisna – Mode of Financing FREE 00:00:00
- Istisna – Time of Delivery FREE 00:00:00
- Istisna vs. Salam FREE 00:00:00
- Ijarah vs. Istisna FREE 00:00:00
- Istisna as a mode of finance FREE 00:00:00
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Misbah Rauf
Currently ,i am a student of computer science.and working on many projects like image processing, cloud computing + freelancer.
I am misbah Rauf student of computer science. I have studied hard to become a good computer scientist.I complete many challenging projects related to my field .i expect to graduate from GIFT university with at least 3.5 CGPA. I am eager to implement what i have learned in a practical and impactful manners as an instructor. Teaching is my passion because i believe that teachers are the building block of a society. So how much the society will strong depend on the teachers. I did a lot of hard work to become a good student and i am 100% confident that with my expertise and hard work i will be the best instructor for my younger students.
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