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The objective of this presentation is to use three illustrative case studies to reinforce basic concepts and principles of terrorism preparedness and response, as well as to identify some specific practical considerations.



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English [CC]


These case studies will illustrate:

  • (1) Plausible scenarios,
  • (2) Typical first response activities,
  • (3) Critical issues on-the-fly, and
  • (4) Considerations for planning.

Course Objectives

After viewing these case studies, the student should be able to: 1. Identify some plausible terrorist scenarios. 2. Describe the main initial first response activities (for both public health and public safety). 3. Identify practical issues that should be part of an emergency response plan.

Who can do this course:

  1. Medical Professionals
  2. Facilities Managers
  3. Estate Officers for Medical centres
  4. Building Surveyors
  5. Medical Building Administration

Course content

    • Baltimore City Drills 02:00:00
    • University of Maryland Medical System Drill 02:00:00


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