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Last updated:

September 26, 2023


Unlimited Duration


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Unlimited Duration

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Unlimited Duration


HIST 210: The Early Middle Ages, 284-1000 (Fall 2011, Open Yale Courses). Instructor: Professor Paul H. Freedman.

Major developments in the political, social, and religious history of Western Europe from the accession of Diocletian to the feudal transformation. Topics include the conversion of Europe to Christianity, the fall of the Roman Empire, the rise of Islam and the Arabs, the "Dark Ages," Charlemagne and the Carolingian renaissance, and the Viking and Hungarian invasions. (from oyc.yale.edu)

Course Curriculum

  • Lecture 01 – Course Introduction: Rome’s Greatness and First Crises Unlimited
  • Lecture 02 – The Crisis of the Third Century and the Diocletianic Reforms Unlimited
  • Lecture 03 – Constantine and the Early Church Unlimited
  • Lecture 04 – The Christian Roman Empire Unlimited
  • Lecture 05 – St. Augustine’s Confessions Unlimited
  • Lecture 06 – Transformation of the Roman Empire Unlimited
  • Lecture 07 – Barbarian Kingdoms Unlimited
  • Lecture 08 – Survival in the East Unlimited
  • Lecture 09 – The Reign of Justinian Unlimited
  • Lecture 10 – Clovis and the Franks Unlimited
  • Lecture 11 – Frankish Society Unlimited
  • Lecture 12 – Britain and Ireland Unlimited
  • Lecture 13 – Monasticism Unlimited
  • Lecture 14 – Mohammed and the Arab Conquests Unlimited
  • Lecture 15 – Islamic Conquests and Civil War Unlimited
  • Lecture 16 – The Splendor of the Abbasid Period Unlimited
  • Lecture 17 – The Crucial Seventh Century Unlimited
  • Lecture 18 – The Splendor of Byzantium Unlimited
  • Lecture 19 – Charlemagne Unlimited
  • Lecture 20 – Intellectuals and the Court of Charlemagne Unlimited
  • Lecture 21 – Crisis of the Carolingians Unlimited
  • Lecture 22 – Vikings/The European Prospect, 1000 Unlimited

About the instructor

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