This course, The science of evolution, debates the issues surrounding the science of evolution and religion.

This course includes
Hours of videos

5 hours

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Modern scientific discoveries reveal over and over again that the popular belief associating Darwinism with science is false. Scientific evidence refutes Darwinism comprehensively and reveals that the origin of our existence is not evolution but creation. God has created the universe, all living things and man. Yahya, H. (2006) Atlas of Creation, Volume 1
Yahya, H. (2006) Atlas of Creation, Volume 1
Comments like this are commonplace in anti-evolutionary publications, though this particular example is interesting because it comes from an Islamic creationist, demonstrating that such misinterpretation of scientific evidence is not limited to fundamentalist Christians. So it is worth following the exploration of various evolutionary case histories in previous chapters with a second look at the scientific credentials of the theory.

Learning Outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:
  • Understand the debates and issues surrounding evolution and religion.

Course Currilcum

    • Evolution Versus Creation: Science and Non-Science 01:00:00
    • Creationism in Disguise 00:45:00
    • Evolution and Religion 00:55:00
    • Logos and mythos 01:00:00
    • The Scopes Monkey Trial 01:00:00
    • Conclusion 00:20:00