This class covers the mathematics of inverse problems involving waves, with examples taken from reflection seismology, synthetic aperture radar, and computerized tomography.
This course includes
Hours of videos
388 years, 10 months
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Certificate of Completion
Course Currilcum
- Full set of lecture notes in one file Unlimited
- Front Matter, including Table of Contents Unlimited
- Chapter 1: Wave Equations Unlimited
- Chapter 2: Geometrical Optics Unlimited
- Chapter 3: Scattering Series Unlimited
- Chapter 4: Adjoint-state Methods Unlimited
- Chapter 5: Synthetic-aperture Radar Unlimited
- Chapter 6: Computerized Tomography Unlimited
- Chapter 7: Seismic Imaging Unlimited
- Chapter 8: Microlocal Analysis of Imaging Unlimited
- Chapter 9: Optimization Unlimited
- Appendix A: Calculus of Variations, Functional Derivatives Unlimited
- Appendix B: Finite Difference Methods for Wave Equations Unlimited
- Appendix C: Stationary Phase Unlimited