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Whether you work in higher education, business, government, a library, retail, manufacturing, or anywhere, it is not easy dealing with the public—or even coworker. A workplace may be any location either permanent or temporary where an employee performs any work-related duty. Workplace violence is any physical assault, threatening behaviour, or verbal abuse occurring in the work setting.
English [CC]
- Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
- Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
- Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
- Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
- Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.
Know the Warning Signs
Some people commit violence because of revenge, robbery or ideology – with or without a component of mental illness. While there is no way to predict an attack, you can be aware of behaviours in coworkers that might signal future violence:- Excessive use of alcohol or drugs
- Unexplained absenteeism, change in behaviour or decline in job performance
- Depression, withdrawal or suicidal comments
- Resistance to changes at work or persistent complaining about unfair treatment
- Violation of company policies
- Emotional responses to criticism, mood swings
- Paranoia
- Define workplace violence
- Recognize the risk factors associated with workplace violence
- Recognize some strategies to prevent workplace violence
- Nurses and doctors
- Hospitality staff
- Stock exchange brokers
- Bank Cashiers
- Railway Staff
- Construction managers
- Facilities Managers
- Teachers and headteachers
Course content
- WV- Introduction 00:25:00
- WV- Workplace Violence 00:30:00
- WV- Types of Workplace Violence 00:50:00
- WV- Leadership Review 03:00:00
- WVT Quiz 00:45:00
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