The Acoustics of Speech and Hearing is an H-Level graduate course that reviews the physical processes involved in the production, propagation and reception of human speech.



August 27, 2022


English [CC]


Particular attention is paid to how the acoustics and mechanics of the speech and auditory system define what sounds we are capable of producing and what sounds we can sense. Areas of discussion include:

  1. the acoustic cues used in determining the direction of a sound source,
  2. the acoustic and mechanical mechanisms involved in speech production and
  3. the acoustic and mechanical mechanism used to transduce and analyze sounds in the ear.

Course Curriculum

  • Sound Measurement: Amplitude, Unlimited
  • Sound Propagation in Space 1: Plane Waves, Unlimited
  • Sound Propagation in Space 2: Spherical Waves, Multiple Sources Unlimited
  • Diffraction of Sound, Localization Cues Unlimited
  • Circuits 1: Lumped Elements Unlimited
  • Circuits 2: Combinations of Elements Unlimited
  • Circuits 3: Equivalent Circuits Unlimited
  • Circuits 4: The Loudspeaker Unlimited
  • Circuits 5: Microphones and Middle Ears Unlimited
  • The Normal and Diseased Middle Ear Unlimited
  • Tubes 1: Dimensional Equations, Natural Frequencies Unlimited
  • Tubes 2: Perturbation Theory Unlimited
  • Tubes 3: Non-Uniformities and Losses Unlimited
  • Speech Production 1: Vowels Unlimited
  • Speech Production 2: Fricative Sources and Consonants Unlimited
  • Speech Sound Production 3: More Consonants Unlimited
  • Speech Perception Unlimited

About the instructor

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Instructor Rating







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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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Certificate of Completion